About MCMs
The FDA coordinates medical countermeasure (MCM) development, preparedness and response.
The FDA plays a critical role in protecting the United States from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and emerging infectious disease threats. The FDA ensures that medical countermeasures (MCMs)—including drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests—to counter these threats are safe, effective, and secure.
In this section

MCM News and Events
Medical countermeasure-related news, events, and related links

What are medical countermeasures?
MCMs are FDA-regulated products that may be used in a public health emergency
More about MCMs
Publications and Reports
MCM mission areas

MCM legal, regulatory & policy framework
Helping ensure that U.S. laws, regulations, and policies support preparedness and response for potential CBRN and emerging infectious disease threats.

MCM regulatory science
Developing the tools, standards, and approaches to assess MCM safety, efficacy, quality and performance, and helping translate new technology into innovative, safe, and effective MCMs.