Tribal Affairs

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is committed to robust and meaningful consultation with American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes to uphold the federal trust responsibility and honor the Nation-to-Nation relationship.
The Intergovernmental Affairs Staff (IGA) within the Office of the Commissioner is dedicated to serving as the Agency’s lead and primary liaison with tribal governments. IGA facilitates communication regarding FDA policy initiatives, serves as the entry point to tribal officials seeking assistance with matters under FDA’s regulatory purview, and manages the Agency’s official tribal consultation activities.
IGA also serves as the interagency tribal liaison for FDA, prioritizing collaboration and partnership between federal partners, including the White House, Department of Health and Human Services Operating Divisions, such as the Indian Health Service, National Institutes for Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration and more.
FDA Tribal Affairs Policy Resources
- CTP’s Engagement with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments
- OII Tribal Training Opportunities
- HHS Tribal Affairs
- Unified Agenda