Aircraft Watering Points & Servicing Areas
The FDA enforces and monitors sanitary conditions at aircraft watering points and servicing areas. These facilities are a critical control point in the water supply chain for aircraft public water systems. Under FDA regulations 21 CFR 1240.80, an interstate conveyance operator shall obtain potable water for drinking and culinary purposes from an FDA-approved watering point or by subjecting the water to an FDA-approved onboard water treatment method.
FDA maintains this inventory of aircraft watering points and servicing areas on-line to assist carrier companies. This inventory of aircraft watering points and servicing areas includes firms and operators of facilities that are known and are in accordance with FDA regulatory requirements (21 CFR 1240, Subpart E – Source and Use of Potable Water; 21 CFR 1250, Subpart D – Servicing Areas for Land and Air Conveyances) as of the date of this update. It is derived from the FDA Official Establishment Inventory maintained by FDA District Offices. It is updated approximately every 90 days.