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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  3. New Era of Smarter Food Safety
  4. Smarter Tools and Approaches for Prevention and Outbreak Response - Core Element 2 of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint
  1. New Era of Smarter Food Safety

Smarter Tools and Approaches for Prevention and Outbreak Response - Core Element 2 of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint

Smarter Tools and Approaches for Prevention and Outbreak Response - Core Element 2 of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint

This Core Element is the most wide-ranging because its priority areas include root cause analyses, predictive analytics, inspection, training and compliance tools, outbreak response, and recall modernization. 

They also include domestic mutual reliance, partnering with states to leverage other’s data and analytics to ensure optimal use of resources and maximize our food safety reach.

As modern food safety approaches generate new data streams - and tools for rapidly analyzing big data become available – we are exploring their preventive value.


Seafood Artificial Intelligence Learning Pilot
The FDA has kicked off the third phase of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Imported Seafood Pilot program, which uses AI and machine learning (ML) to strengthen import screening and to ensure that foods entering the U.S are safe.

Domestic Mutual Reliance
Domestic mutual reliance is a seamless partnership that enables FDA and states with comparable regulatory public health systems, as trusted partners, to rely on, coordinate with, and leverage one another’s work, data, and actions to meet the public health goal of a safe national food supply.

Remote Regulatory Assessments
The FDA is using remote regulatory assessments (RRAs) to improve the safety of the food supply. They are being employed at both foreign and domestic food facilities to ensure compliance with FSMA mandates. Visit How Remote Regulatory Assessments Help Ensure Food Safety for additional information.

Third-Party Food Safety Audits
The FDA has concluded the voluntary pilot program to evaluate alignment of private third-party food safety standards with applicable FDA regulations.  

GenomeTrakr Network
A New Era goal is working with international, federal, state and academic partners to increase the number of laboratories that can submit sequences of parasites, pathogens and viruses isolated from food samples via the GenomeTrakr.

Smarter Food Safety Core Elements 

New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint

New Era for Smarter Food Safety: 4 Core Elements


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