Outbreak Investigation Reports
Outbreak Investigation Reports provide an overview of factors contributing to contamination in foodborne outbreaks. These reports summarize the outbreak and investigation and provide conclusions and recommendations to assist in future prevention efforts.
Each report contains three main sections:
- Reason for the Investigation
- Investigation Results
- Requirements and/or Recommendations
Food safety is a shared responsibility that involves food producers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and regulators. FDA is committed to working with these stakeholders to advance this critical work.
Environmental Assessment: 2013 Cyclosporiasis outbreak in Iowa and Nebraska – Findings and Recommendations November 2013
Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC) Environmental Assessment - Findings and Potential Preventive Control Strategies December 2010
This assessment was performed to determine how romaine lettuce implicated in a 2010 E. coli O145 outbreak may have become contaminated with the pathogen.