Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella Newport: Red Onions (July 2020)
CDC announces the end of the outbreak; FDA releases Outbreak Investigation Report.
On March 13, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a report on its investigation of the Salmonella Newport outbreak that caused more than 1,600 reported illnesses in the U.S. and Canada between June and October 2020. The FDA worked with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state partners, and Canadian officials (Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency) to investigate the outbreak, which was linked through epidemiology and traceback to whole red onions supplied by Thomson International Inc., headquartered in Bakersfield (Southern San Joaquin Valley) with additional operations in Holtville (Imperial Valley), California.
Although a conclusive root cause could not be identified, several potential contributing factors to the 2020 red onion outbreak were identified, including a leading hypothesis that contaminated irrigation water used in a growing field in Holtville, CA may have led to contamination of the onions. Thomson International Inc. cooperated with the FDA throughout the investigation and is continuing to engage with the FDA on the agency’s findings and recommendations.
Food safety is a shared responsibility that involves food producers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and regulators. Recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment when it comes to public health outcomes, we encourage collaboration among various groups in the broader agricultural community (i.e. livestock owners and produce growers, state government and academia) to address this issue. The FDA is committed to working with these stakeholders to advance critical work.
For More Information:
- Technical Report: Factors Potentially Contributing to the Contamination of Red Onions Implicated in the Summer 2020 Outbreak of Salmonella Newport
- FDA In Brief: FDA Releases Investigation Report Following 2020 Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Red Onions
Recall Information
Recalled Onions
On August 1, 2020, Thomson International, Inc. recalled all varieties of onions that could have come in contact with potentially contaminated red onions, due to the risk of cross-contamination. Recalled products include red, yellow, white, and sweet yellow onions shipped from May 1, 2020 to August 1, 2020. Onions were distributed to wholesalers, restaurants, and retail stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada.
Recalls have also been initiated by companies that sold onions or products containing recalled onions.
- FDA’s List of Recalls of Food Products Associated with Onions from Thomson International, Inc.
- FSIS Public Health Alert For Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products Containing FDA-Regulated Onions that have been Recalled
Case Count Map Provided by CDC
Case Counts
Total Illnesses: 1,127
Hospitalizations: 167
Deaths: 0
Last illness Onset Date: September 11, 2020
States with Cases: AK (25), AL (2), AZ (39), AR (2), CA (128), CO (32), CT (2), DE (2), FL (8), GA (11), HI (3), ID (43), IL (54), IN (4), IA (31), KS (3), KY (3), ME (6), MD (7), MA (2), MI (47), MN (19), MS (5), MO (11), MT (72), NE (10), NV (11), NH (1), NJ (12), NM (3), NY (14), NC (6), ND (9), OH (11), OK (1), OR (109), PA (27), RI (3), SC (1), SD (23), TN (7), TX (2), UT (115), VA (10), WA (150), WV (3), WI (11), WY (27)
Useful Links
- Food Safety Tips for Retailers and Consumers During an Outbreak
- Food Safety Resources for Produce Shippers and Carriers During a Foodborne Illness Outbreak
- Previous Updates
- Who to Contact
- What is Salmonella?
- CDC's Outbreak Page
- Public Health Agency Canada Outbreak Page
- Technical Report: Factors Potentially Contributing to the Contamination of Red Onions Implicated in the Summer 2020 Outbreak of Salmonella Newport
- FDA In Brief: FDA Releases Investigation Report Following 2020 Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Red Onions
Previous Updates
October 8, 2020
The FDA, along with CDC, Canadian, state, and local partners, has been investigating a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections. FDA’s traceback portion of the investigation is complete and has identified Thomson International, Inc. of Bakersfield, CA, as the likely source of potentially contaminated red onions.
The multistate outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections linked to red onions from Thomson International, Inc. that were sold in several regions of the United States and Canada, investigated by the FDA, along with CDC, Canadian, state, and local partners, is over. The outbreak resulted in recalls for multiple onion varieties and products containing onions. FDA’s traceback investigation identified a packing facility and multiple farms that supplied red onions during the time period of interest. Joint FDA, California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) field-level investigations were initiated at multiple Thomson International Inc. locations and surrounding areas within days of identifying the suspect vehicle and the firm. However, most product had already been harvested and distributed by that time. Thus far, FDA has completed over 2000 product and environmental analyses from multiple Thomson International Inc. locations and surrounding areas, including water, soil, and scat samples. Although a variety of genetic strains of Salmonella Newport have been detected, as well as multiple other Salmonella serotypes, a genetic match to the outbreak strain has yet to be identified in any of the samples collected. Additional sample analysis is underway. Although the outbreak is being declared over, the FDA will be continuing its root cause investigation and will communicate any findings that could assist future prevention efforts.
August 18, 2020
The FDA investigation at Thomson International, Inc. ongoing. As part of the root cause investigation at Thomson International, Inc., FDA is collecting and analyzing product, water, and environmental samples.
Following the recall from Thomson International, Inc., additional products containing recalled onions have been identified and recalled. Available recall information is included below and will be updated as more products are identified and recalled.
August 7, 2020
The FDA has initiated an investigation at Thomson International, Inc. to learn more about the potential source of contamination. The investigation is ongoing and additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
Following the recall from Thomson International, Inc., additional products containing recalled onions have been identified and recalled.
August 3, 2020
The FDA, along with CDC and state and local partners, is investigating a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections. The Public Health Agency of Canada is also investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Newport illnesses that have a genetic fingerprint closely related to the U.S. outbreak.
Investigators in the U.S. and Canada have been collaborating to identify the source of this outbreak. On July 30, 2020, Canadian health officials announced that they had determined red onions from the U.S. to be the potential source of the Canadian outbreak. The Canadian investigation has also prompted a recall warning by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Building on this information, and on epidemiologic information on the U.S. outbreak from CDC, the FDA’s traceback investigation was able to identify Thomson International, Inc. as a likely source of contaminated red onions in the U.S.
On August 1, 2020, Thomson International, Inc. recalled all varieties of onions that could have come in contact with potentially contaminated red onions, due to the risk of cross-contamination. Recalled products include red, yellow, white, and sweet yellow onions shipped from May 1, 2020 to present.
July 31, 2020
The FDA, along with CDC and state and local partners, is investigating a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections. The Public Health Agency of Canada is also investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Newport illnesses that have a genetic fingerprint closely related to the U.S. outbreak.
Investigators in the U.S. and Canada have been collaborating to identify the source of this outbreak. On July 30, 2020, Canadian health officials announced that they had determined red onions from the U.S. to be the potential source of the Canadian outbreak. The Canadian investigation has also prompted a recall warning by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Building on this information, and on epidemiologic information on the U.S. outbreak from CDC, the FDA’s traceback investigation was able to identify Thomson International, Inc. as a likely source of contaminated red onions in the U.S.
Who to Contact
Consumers who have symptoms should contact their health care provider to report their symptoms and receive care.
To report a complaint or adverse event (illness or serious allergic reaction),
visit Industry and Consumer Assistance.
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