Educator Tools (Food Safety for Moms-to-Be)
Food Safety for Moms-To-Be Main Page
Slides/Talking Points (PPT: 425KB) | Presentation Tips | Poster | Flyer | Videos
As an educator, you play a vital role in delivering critical food safety information to moms-to-be. A great way to do that is to conduct a presentation! Everything you need is here in this easy, step-by-step guide.
Your Presentation
Step 1: Get Acquainted with Message
Review the food safety background information. To create awareness of the food safety message among pregnant women, display the printable Poster (PDF: 195KB) in a prominent location.
Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with Presentation
Your PowerPoint® Slides/Talking Points (PPT: 449KB) have already been done for you. Helpful talking points accompany each slide.
Step 3: Review and Print Handouts
You'll give out these important handouts to your audience at the end of your presentation.
- Food Safety At-A-Glance (PDF: 292 KB) - A fact sheet of important food safety reminders for pregnant women.
- Apply the Heat (PDF: 191KB) - A chart of proper cooking temperatures for foods.
- Refrigerator & Freezer Storage Chart (PDF: 22KB) - A chart of storage times for foods.
Step 4: Promote Your Presentation
Once you've reviewed your presentation, see A+ Tips for Your Presentation for ideas for promoting your presentation and getting pregnant women there! Use the customizable Flyer to publicize your event.
Good to Know - Just in Case
Here's additional background information to help you answer questions during your presentation or while you're working with pregnant women.
- Fast Facts - Up-to-date food safety facts and statistics relative to pregnant women.
- Foodborne Pathogens - A chart of the most common foodborne pathogens.
Also, don't miss Lifelong Food Safety, which shows how to prevent foodborne illness in four easy steps, and Resources for helpful food safety sources and links.