Microbiological Food Safety
Advance strategies to prevent pathogen-related foodborne illness in close collaboration with other regulatory agencies, states, industry, and other stakeholders
On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.
Advance strategies to prevent pathogen-related foodborne illness in close collaboration with other regulatory agencies, states, industry, and other stakeholders
Focus on food chemical safety and dietary supplement policy and coordinates on regulatory and scientific issues for foods made through innovative technologies
Help reduce the burden of diet-related chronic diseases, improve health equity, and ensure the nutritional adequacy and safety of infant formula
Proposed rule on a front-of-package nutrition labeling that could help quickly identify how foods can be part of a healthy diet
Educational materials for consumers and educators on the Nutrition Facts label
Learn about the updated "healthy" claim and how it can help consumers identify healthier food choices at a quick glance.
Better understand genetically engineered foods, commonly called GMOs or genetically modified organisms
Updated advice about eating fish that incorporates the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Latest information regarding safe preparation of infant formula and answers to questions regarding the safety and nutritional quality of formula
Ensuring the continued effectiveness of the federal-state milk safety system
Protect yourself, your family, and your pets from foodborne illnesses using these steps to preserve your food/water during storms
Commemorating 30-years of the FDA Food Code - a model for best practices to ensure the safe handling of food in a retail setting
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Human Foods Program
Food and Cosmetic Information Center
5001 Campus Drive, HFS-009
College Park, MD 20740-3835
1-888-SAFEFOOD (1-888-723-3366)
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Closed Thursdays 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM EST