User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Information
User Acceptance Testing Information
The FDA is excited to present the Electronic Submission Gateway – Next Generation (ESG NextGen) to Industry users for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). User Acceptance Testing is the phase of the project for users to conduct end-to-end testing on ESG NextGen functionality. The goal of UAT is to validate the new solution meets requirements and performs as expected. During UAT, testers are asked to walk through a list of scenarios across multiple ESG NextGen workstreams and provide feedback on issues identified during testing.
UAT will be conducted in two waves with different functionalities tested in each wave. The below graphic represents the timelines and functionality to be tested in each wave.
Industry testers will receive access to training materials and instructions on how to conduct testing, report issues, and provide feedback.
We look forward to working with you through this important phase of the project and appreciate the time to test ESG NextGen.
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