Chapter 5 - Food, Colors, and Cosmetics - Sub Chapters 537 - 567
Chapter 5 - Sub Chapters 500 - 535
Chapter 5 - Sub Chapters 570 - 590
Sub Chapter 537 - Egg Industry
Sub Chapter 540 - Fish and Seafood
- CPG Sec. 540.100 Capelin: Prohibited from Being Labeled as Smelt (Revoked 8/23/96)
- CPG Sec. 540.150 Caviar, Use of Term - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 540.200 Chubs, Hot Process Smoked with Added Nitrite - Adulteration Involving Food Additives, Sodium Nitrite
- CPG Sec. 540.250 Clams, Mussels, Oysters, Fresh, Frozen or Canned - Paralytic Shellfish Poison
- CPG Sec. 540.275 Crabmeat - Fresh and Frozen - Adulteration with Filth, Involving the Presence of Escherichia coli
- CPG Sec. 540.285 Crabmeat Products - Labeling; Crabmeat Products with Added Fish or Other Seafood Ingredients - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 540.300 Crabmeat - Product Name (Revoked 8/23/96)
- CPG Sec. 540.350 Common or Usual Names for Crustaceans (Revoked 8/23/96)
- CPG Sec. 540.370 Fish and Fishery Products - Decomposition
- CPG Sec. 540.375 Canned Salmon - Adulteration Involving Decomposition (Withdrawn 3/22/2010)
- CPG Sec. 540.390 Canned Shrimp - Labeling, Size Designations and Corresponding Counts
- CPG Sec. 540.400 Shrimp - Fresh or Frozen, Raw, Headless, Peeled or Breaded (Revoked 12/24/96)
- CPG Sec. 540.410 Shrimp - Frozen, Raw, Breaded or Lightly Breaded, Misbranding Involving Non-Compliance with Standards
- CPG Sec. 540.420 Raw Breaded Shrimp - Microbiological Criteria for Evaluating Compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations (withdrawn 2/15/2022)
- CPG Sec. 540.450 *Imitation Breaded Shrimp*
- CPG Sec. 540.475 Snapper - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 540.500 Tuna, Sable, Salmon, Shad-Smoked Cured, Adulteration Involving Food Additives, Sodium Nitrite
- CPG Sec 540.525 Scombrotoxin (Histamine)-forming Fish and Fishery Products – Decomposition and Histamine
- CPG Sec. 540.550 Kipper and Kipper Unsplit - Definitions
- CPG Sec. 540.575 Fish - Fresh and Frozen - Adulteration Involving Decomposition (Withdrawn 7/18/2008)
- CPG Sec. 540.590 Fish - Fresh and Frozen, as Listed - Adulteration by Parasites
- CPG Sec. 540.600 Fish, Shellfish, Crustaceans and other Aquatic Animals - Fresh, Frozen or Processed - Methyl Mercury
- CPG Sec. 540.650 Uneviscerated Fish Products that are Salt-cured, Dried, or Smoked (Revised)
- CPG Sec. 540.700 Labeling of Processed and Blended Seafood Products Made Primarily with Fish Protein
- CPG Sec. 540.750 Use of The Seafood List to Determine Acceptable Seafood Names
Sub Chapter 545 - Food Related
- CPG Sec. 545.200 Confectionery Decorations (Nutritive and Non-Nutritive)
- CPG Sec. 545.300 Foods, Rail Car Sanitation - Adulteration
- CPG Sec. 545.400 Pottery (Ceramics); Import and Domestic - Cadmium Contamination
- CPG Sec. 545.450 Pottery (Ceramics); Import and Domestic - Lead Contamination
- CPG Sec. 545.500 Silver-Plated Hollowware - Lead Contamination
- CPG Sec. 545.600 Cinnamon-Flavored Toothpicks
Sub Chapter 550 - Fruits
- CPG Sec. 550.050 Canned Ackee, Frozen Ackee, and Other Ackee Products- Hypoglycin A Toxin
- CPG Sec. 550.100 Apple Butter - Adulteration with Mold; Rodent Filth, Insect
- CPG Sec. 550.150 Apricots - Canned - Adulteration with Insects
- CPG Sec. 550.155 Apricot, Peach and Pear Nectars and Purees - Adulteration with Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.200 Drupelet Berries (Blackberries, Raspberries, Etc.) - Common or Usual Names of Varieties; Canned and Frozen - Adulteration with Rot and Insects
- CPG Sec. 550.225 Cherries Brined, Fresh, Canned and Frozen - Adulteration Involving Rot and Insect
- CPG Sec. 550.230 Cherries, Canned - Misbranding Involving Food Standards
- CPG Sec. 550.235 Cherry Jam - Adulteration with Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.250 Citrus Fruit Juices, Canned - Adulteration with Fly Filth and Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.260 Cranberry Sauce - Adulteration with Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.270 Currants - Adulteration Involving Wormy Fruits
- CPG Sec. 550.300 Dates and Date Material; Imported and Domestic - Adulteration Involving Mold, Insect Excreta, Sour, Dirty, Worthless and Pits
- CPG Sec. 550.350 Figs; Fig Paste - Adulteration Involving Insect Infestation; Mold, Dirt
- CPG Sec. 550.400 Grenadine
- CPG Sec. 550.450 Jam, Black Currant - Adulteration with Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.475 Jellies, Nonstandardized
- CPG Sec. 550.500 Lingon Berries, Canned - Adulteration by Insects
- CPG Sec. 550.550 Maraschino Cherries
- CPG Sec. 550.575 Marmalade
- CPG Sec. 550.590 Cloudberries (Multer Berries), Canned - Adulteration by Insects
- CPG Sec. 550.600 Olives - Adulteration Involving Pits; Rot; Insect Infestation
- CPG Sec. 550.605 Olives Stuffed with Minced Pimentos - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 550.625 Oranges - Artificial Coloring
- CPG Sec. 550.650 Peaches, Canned, Frozen - Adulteration Due to Insects and Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.655 Peaches, Canned - Misbranding Involving Food Standards
- CPG Sec. 550.680 Pineapple, Canned; Pineapple Juice - Adulteration with Mold
- CPG Sec. 550.685 Pineapple, Canned; Imported and Domestic - Misbranding Involving Food Standards
- CPG Sec. 550.690 Plums, Canned - Adulteration with Rot
- CPG Sec. 550.700 Dried Prunes, Dehydrated Low Moisture Prunes, and Pitted Prunes - Adulteration Involving Insects; Decomposition; Dirt; Pits; and Pit Fragments
- CPG Sec. 550.750 Raisins - Adulteration Involving Mold, Sand, Grit, & Insects
- CPG Sec. 550.800 Standardized Canned Fruit - Misbranding Involving Improper Declaration of Packing Medium
- CPG Sec. 550.850 Strawberries; Frozen, Whole, or Sliced - Adulteration with Sand, Mold
Chapter 555 - General
- CPG Sec. 555.100 Alcohol; Use of Synthetic Alcohol in Foods
- CPG Sec. 555.200 Adulterated Food Mixed with Good Food
- CPG Sec. 555.250 Statement of Policy for Labeling and Preventing Cross-contact of Common Food Allergens (New 4/2001)
- CPG Sec. 555.300 Foods, Except Dairy Products - Adulteration with Salmonella
- CPG Sec. 555.320 Listeria monocytogenes
- CPG Sec. 555.400 Foods - Aflatoxin in Human Food
- CPG Sec. 555.425 Foods, Adulteration Involving hard or Sharp Foreign Objects
- CPG Sec. 555.450 Foods - Adulteration Involving Infestation and 1080 Rodenticide
- CPG Sec. 555.500 All Food Sanitation (Including Bacteriological) Inspections - Classification of Establishment
- CPG Sec. 555.550 Foods, Standardized; Enriched or Fortified - Adulteration Involving Misbranding - Potency
- CPG Sec. 555.600 Filth from Insects, Rodents, and Other Pests in Foods
- CPG Sec. 555.650 Reconditioning Foods by Diversion for Animal Feed
- CPG Sec. 555.750 Seeds for Sprouting Prior to Food Use, i.e., Dried Mung Beans, Alfalfa Seeds, Etc.
- CPG Sec. 555.800 Polysorbates 20, 40, 60, 65, 80, 85 - Common or Usual Names
- CPG Sec. 555.850 Water Damaged Food Products in Screw-Top, Crimped-Cap and Similar Containers
- CPG Sec. 555.875 Water in Food Products (Ingredient or Adulterant)
- CPG Sec. 555.880 Guidance Levels for Radionuclides in Domestic and Imported Foods
Sub Chapter 560 - Imports
- CPG Sec. 560.100 Importation of Unlabeled Foods - Exemption Under *21 CFR 101.100(d)*
- CPG Sec. 560.200 Country of Origin Labeling
- CPG Sec. 560.250 Imports - Importer can be Required to Reveal Identity of Ingredients
- CPG Sec. 560.300 Reconditioning of Imported, Insect Infested, Insect Damaged or Moldy Coffee Beans
- CPG Sec. 560.350 Coffee and Cocoa Bean Sweeps
- CPG 560.400 Imported Milk and Cream - Federal Import Milk Act
- CPG 560.450 Imported Low-Acid Canned Foods (Manufacturer Not Registered and/or No Scheduled Process Filed)
- CPG Sec. 560.500 Jams, Jellies and Related Products - Imports
- CPG Sec. 560.600 Clams, Mussels, Oysters; Fresh or Frozen - Adulteration by Bacteriological Contamination
- CPG Sec. 560.700 - Processing of Imported Frozen Products of Multiple Sizes (e.g., Shrimp, Prawns, Etc.) (Withdrawn 6/6/2008)
Sub Chapter 562 - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 562.100 Acetic Acid - Use in Foods - Labeling of Foods in Which Used
- CPG Sec. 562.200 Foods - FPLA Compliance
- CPG Sec. 562.300 Foods - Net Weight
- CPG Sec. 562.400 Foreign Language Declarations on Food Labels
- CPG Sec. 562.450 Identity of Foods - Use of Terms Such as Fresh, Frozen, Dried, Canned, Etc.
- CPG Sec. 562.550 Safety and Labeling of Waxed (Coated) Fruits and Vegetables
- CPG Sec. 562.600 Preservatives; Use in Nonstandardized Foods; Label Declaration
- CPG Sec. 562.650 "Processing" - Use of Term in Section 405 of the FD&C Act
- CPG Sec. 562.700 Labeling of Food Bearing Residues of Pesticide Chemicals
- CPG Sec. 562.750 Labeling of Food Articles Distributed Solely in Puerto Rico
- CPG Sec. 562.800 Vending Machine Food - Labeling (withdrawn 2/15/2022)
Sub Chapter 565 - Meat and Poultry
- CPG Sec. 565.100 FDA Jurisdiction Over Meat and Poultry Products
- CPG Sec. 565.200 Red Meat Adulterated with PCBs
Sub Chapter 567 - Multiple Foods
- CPG Sec. 567.100 Antipasto, Common or Usual Name
- CPG Sec. 567.200 Pork and Beans and Similar Bean Products - Labeling
- CPG Sec. 567.300 *Bouillon, Bouillon Cubes, Granulated Bouillon*