CPG Sec 510.200 Brandy Containing Methyl Alcohol - Food Additive October 1980
Manual of Compliance Policy Guides Chapter 5 - Food, Colors, and Cosmetics
Domestic brandies rarely exceed 0.1% methyl alcohol and manufacturers of foreign brandies do not usually offer for import into the U.S. brandies exceeding 0.35% methyl alcohol. However, foreign brandies manufactured for consumption within their native countries may contain up to 1% or more. More than 20 years ago the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, Internal Revenue Service and FDA mutually agreed that the maximum permitted level of methyl alcohol in brandy should be informally established at 0.35%.
Detain if the brandy contains in excess of 0.35% methyl alcohol (Imports only).
Issued: 10/1/80
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