CPG Sec 520.100 Canned Foods, Use of the Term "Solid Pack" March 1995
Manual of Compliance Policy Guides Chapter 5 - Food, Colors, and Cosmetics
Until 1967, when the standard of identity for canned tomatoes was amended to provide for a product designated as "solid pack," none of the standards for canned fruits contained provisions for a "solid pack" product. However, there have been instances where the term "solid pack" was used in describing and labeling certain canned fruits that were otherwise the subject of standards of identity. Trade Correspondence 236 acknowledged use of the term in conjunction with peaches and State Cooperation Information Letter No. l4 stated "packing of apples without additional water seems to be impossible ***" and "worthy of investigation, whenever a pack *** is encountered with a label statement 'Solid Pack'."
Solid pack tomatoes must conform to the definition in the canned tomato standard of identity.
A product consisting of peaches canned without a liquid packing medium may be sold under its common or usual name "Solid Pack Peaches." The food should otherwise bear labeling in accordance with the section 403(i) provisions of the act.
Canned fruits designated in labeling as "solid pack" *should* not contain any added liquid packing medium. The terms "in water" and "solid pack" on the same label constitute a contradiction. If any water at all is added in packing the food, the term "solid pack" should not appear at any place on the label.
Issued: 8/20/73
Reissued: 10/1/80
Revised: 2/1/89, 3/95
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