Outstanding Senior Contributing Scientist
This category recognizes the outstanding achievements of a contributing scientist (e.g., lab technician or regulatory reviewer) who, under the direction of the principal investigator, lab director or supervisor, has been highly instrumental in the accomplishments and successes of the lab or regulatory review office. This nominee must demonstrate a high degree of dedication and assistance in the conception and implementation of laboratory or regulatory review projects.
Wojciech Jankowski, Ph.D. (CBER)
For the development of advanced technologies and workflows to design therapeutics with desired clinical outcomes and/or reduced immunogenicity.
Joshua W. Guag, MS (CDRH)
For invaluable assistance in the design, conduct and documentation of numerous investigations in the Electromagnetics and Wireless Laboratory.
Alexander Herman, MS (CDRH) (Staff Fellow)
For dedicated service with the evaluation of face covering materials during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as hands-on research support of various projects.
Guo-Chiuan Hung, PhD, DVM
Establishing bioinformatic workflow for computing species-specific DNA signatures from NGS data for the detection of bacterial pathogens by PCR.
Elizabeth Reed, MS
For outstanding scientific support of microbiological and genomic research leading directly to the prevention of Salmonella and hemorrhagic E. coli on and in fresh market produce.
Tim Muruvanda
For outstanding laboratory support in whole genome sequencing and in providing the numerous FDA offices with timely data used to make key regulatory decisions.
Tina C. Crosby, MS
For outstanding contributions to CVM's aquaculture research program supporting judicious use of antimicrobials, new animal drug application reviews, and surveillance of illegal drug residues.
George John Kastanis, MS
For outstanding laboratory support in whole genome sequencing and in providing the numerous FDA offices with timely data used to make key regulatory decisions.
Edward Gordon
For the development of methods and specimen to test efficacy of disinfector apparatuses.
Qingsu Xia, MD
In recognition of superior research accomplishments and sustained scientific productivity in the study of pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced carcinogenesis
Martin Ho, MS
For significant statistical and scientific contributions to the FDA within DBS, CDRH, and in FDA-wide activities.
Edward L. E. Jester
For outstanding contributions in the development and implementation of rapid screening and confirmatory methods for chemical contaminants in seafood
Kevin White
For outstanding work in support of the development of mass spectrometric methods for the analysis of marine toxins and mycotoxins
David Melka, MS
For distinguished service as CFSAN’s PulseNet investigator in conducting detailed analytical support and data interpretation related to foodborne outbreak responses and compliance efforts for 2009
Kathleen R. El Said
For outstanding contributions in the development of methods for aquaculture drugs and marine biotoxins in seafood species