Forum | Virtual
Event Title
2023 FDA Science Forum
June 13 - 14, 2023
- Date:
- June 13 - 14, 2023
- Day1:
- Tue, Jun 13 9:00 a.m. - 03:30 p.m. ET
- Day2:
- Wed, Jun 14 8:55 a.m. - 02:00 p.m. ET
- Organized By:

The June 13-14, 2023, FDA Science Forum: Advancing Regulatory Science Through Innovation
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Murray Lumpkin, Deputy Director of Integrated Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The 2023 FDA Science Forum was held virtually on
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13-14, 2023.
- Day 1: 9:00 am-3:30 pm
- Day 2: 8:55 am-2:00 pm
June 13, 2023:
- Main Session - Welcome by the FDA Chief Scientist, Opening Remarks and Introduction of Keynote Speaker by FDA Commissioner, Keynote Speaker
- Concurrent Session 1 - Improving Clinical and Post market Evaluation
- Concurrent Session 3 - Empowering Patients and Consumers
June 14, 2023:
- Concurrent Session 5 - Food and Cosmetic Safety
- Concurrent Session 7 - Advancing Products Based on Novel Technologies
June 13, 2023:
- Concurrent Session 2 - Product Development Tools and Manufacturing
- Concurrent Session 4 - Tools to Effectively Use Big Data
June 14, 2023:
- Concurrent Session 6 - Medical Countermeasures, Infectious Disease and Pathogen Reduction Technologies
- Concurrent Session 8 - Substance Use, Misuse, and Addiction
The Forum offers an exciting opportunity for the public to view the unique scientific research and collaborative efforts of FDA’s 11,000 scientists. You'll get a chance to see first-hand how FDA's researchers are using novel science and technologies to inform FDA’s regulatory decision-making — and drive innovation.
FDA scientific experts and nationally renowned scientists will speak on the eight topics of the 2023 FDA Science Forum: Advancing Regulatory Science Through Innovation highlighted below. This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Murray Lumpkin, Deputy Director of Integrated Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
FDA’s Science Forum welcomes the public, industry, academia, patient advocates, sister agencies, and current and potential collaborators to join us virtually and learn about the critical contributions that FDA's regulatory science makes to product quality and safety.
Poster Sessions
The 2023 FDA Science Forum virtual poster sessions are exhibited here at the bottom of the web page. The posters are available for download to all FDA Science Forum registrants. The audience can e-mail their questions directly to the designated authors of the posters for their response from June 13th through July 13th, 2023.
2023 FDA Science Forum Topic Areas
This area of research notably exercises the use of real-world evidence (RWE), complex innovative trial design (CID), modeling informed product development, product safety surveillance and digital health. Data that comprise RWE include electronic health records, administrative claims, and patient-reported data via mobile devices. CID includes complex adaptive, Bayesian, and other trial designs that are used selectively to provide substantial evidence of effectiveness in new drug applications or biologics license applications. A common feature of many CIDs is the need for simulations rather than mathematical formulae to estimate trial operating characteristics. Model-informed drug development is an approach that involves developing and applying exposure-based, biological and statistical models derived from preclinical and clinical data sources to inform drug development and decision-making. Product safety surveillance includes the use of FAERS and VAERS. Digital health includes mobile health, health information technology, wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and digital personalized medicine.
This area of research includes examining biomarkers, evolving technologies (e.g., alternative methods for toxicity assessment), precision toxicology prediction, and advanced manufacturing. Advanced manufacturing is a collective term for medical product development and manufacturing that incorporates technology or established techniques using innovative methods with the potential to improve medical product quality, address product shortages, and speed time-to-market.
Social and behavioral science research promotes the development of clear communication methods to diverse consumer populations and patients; apprises researchers of patient/consumer preferences and perspectives; and disseminates new knowledge about methods used by patients and consumers to report their health status through different types of clinical outcome assessments, including patient-reported outcomes. A combination of strategies are applied to inform the regulatory review process, communication strategies, and policy development. These strategies include evidence-based approaches; evaluating the impact of communication and educational materials; and understanding consumer beliefs and attitudes.
This theme highlights the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. AI includes machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, robotics, image recognition, etc. Big data are regularly amassed in nonclinical and clinical settings. The breadth, depth, and diversity of big data both benefits and supports knowledge gaps.
Ensuring that the food people and animals eat is safe and protected from contamination is an essential element of promoting human and animal health. FDA ensures that the nation’s food and cosmetic supply is safe from harmful chemical, microbial (inclusive antimicrobial resistance), and radiological contamination and other types of adulteration. FDA faces unique challenges in the oversight of human and animal food safety and cosmetic safety in the 21st century. It oversees nearly 90% of the food supply for humans and animals, including domestically produced and imported products, as well as human dietary supplements and botanicals. This oversight and One Health approach includes continuous surveillance of the human and animal food supply for ongoing and emerging threats; development of methods for threat detection and quantitation including Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and compounded drugs; deployment of those methods to domestic and global partners; predictive toxicology and risk assessment; and strategic analysis of large amounts of data from numerous sources. Communication of these results and activities is vital to informing the public of the safety of the food supply both for them and their animals.
The focus of this research includes medical countermeasures and technologies to support pathogen reduction of FDA-regulated medical products. Medical countermeasures are FDA-regulated products (biologics, drugs, devices) that can be used to diagnose, prevent, protect from, or treat conditions caused by exposure to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear threats, or emerging infectious diseases. This topic also includes the use of innovative technologies to reduce pathogen contamination and reduce or eliminate pathogens from FDA-regulated medical products to prevent transmission of infectious disease through their use.
Included in this area of study are regenerative medicine, and examination of the microbiome/microbiota. Regenerative medicine refers to a global approach to restore, replace, or regenerate cells, tissues, or organs to treat or mitigate disease or dysfunction (e.g., cell therapy). Individualized medicine refers to the development of therapeutics to address unmet medical needs respective of unique individual maladies. Precision medicine is an emerging approach for patient treatment decisions and disease prevention that considers genomic/genetic variabilities, environment, and lifestyle. The term microbiome/microbiota refers to the community of microbial organisms linked by physical location (ecosystems), function relationships, and collective genomic potential in homeostasis or dysbiosis. There is extensive data-based evidence that human, animal and environmental microbiota play significant and varied roles in states of health and disease.
FDA regulates controlled substances and tobacco. The use or misuse of these products may lead to physical or psychological dependence. This topic will explore substance use and use disorders due to controlled substances, including prescription opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants. Substance misuse may include unintended use of products (i.e., for a different indication, through a different route of exposure) or intended use of a product that results in harm to users (e.g., tobacco). When evaluating regulated products, FDA considers product abuse liability and addiction potential. Some common measures important in determining the abuse liability of a product can include pharmacokinetics, patterns of use, and the subjective effects of that product.
Event Materials
Title | File Type/Size |
2023_FDA_Science_Forum_508_e-binder | pdf (5.43 MB) |
2023_Science_Forum_Summaries.pdf | pdf (592.95 KB) |