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  5. Data Visualization of U.S. Tobacco Companies, Their Products and Market Shares
  1. The FDA Science Forum

2021 FDA Science Forum

Data Visualization of U.S. Tobacco Companies, Their Products and Market Shares

Poster Author(s)
Gong, John, FDA/CTP; Holman, Matt, FDA/CTP; Denicoff, Marina, FDA/CTP; Lee, Taylor, FDA/CTP; Leischow, Dylan, FDA/CTP; Bess, Rebecca, FDA/CTP; Hall, Patricia, FDA/CTP; Martinez, Jose, FDA/CTP; Weiner, Benjamin, FDA/CTP
Contributing Office
Center for Tobacco Products


Poster Abstract

To help the CTP staff members get a high-level overview of the US tobacco industry, and to provide a useful tool for tobacco product regulatory science, we present a way to visualize the data of US tobacco companies, their products and market shares. First, we collected and analyzed information gathered from various resources, including Euromonitor, Wikipedia, websites of each company, and published papers on tobacco market analysis. We then developed an organizational map of US tobacco companies, their products, and market shares using PowerPoint software. The map provides an “at-a-glance” view of the organization of each big tobacco company and the types and brands of the products they manufacture and sell.  This overview can be easily updated if business relationships change and products enter and exit the market. For each product category, the top five companies were ranked by the percentage of their market share and their leading brands. The map also labeled the brief history of each company and reflected the transmission of products and brands with the mergers of various tobacco companies. Data visualization can provide useful tools to communicate information clearly and effectively to regulatory scientists and policy analysts through graphical means. This kind of mapping of the market data and deep visualization of companies and their products benefits regulatory science in supporting potential knowledge gaps of the regulated industry.

Poster Image
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