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Laboratory Information Bulletins

FDA posts Laboratory Information Bulletins of interest to the public.

This is a list of the most recent LIBs available online. 
For LIBs published before 2018, please use the Requesting a Laboratory Information Bulletin (LIB) page.

LIB NumberLIB Title
LIB4692Update to LIB No. 4550 Quantitation of Nicotine in Tobacco Products
LIB4631Analysis of Oxytetracycline, Chloramphenicol, and Florfenicol in Lobster and Crab Tissue Using Liquid Chromatography - Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
LIB4632Application of an On-Line Restricted Access Material (RAM)/Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Rapid Determination of Veterinary Drug Residues in Fish
LIB4633Qualitative analysis of color additives in hair conditioner products by UPLC with Photo Diode Array detection
LIB4634Quantitative Determination of Oxytetracycline in Six Aquaculture Commodities by Rapid and Sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS
LIB4635Determination of Crude Protein Content in Diverse Standard Reference Materials and Infant Formulas Using the Dumas Combustion Method
LIB4636A Rapid Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection (UPLC/FLD) for the Quantitative Analysis of Avermectin Residues in Salmon and Trout
LIB4637Determination and Confirmation Analysis of Lufenuron Residues in Salmon and Trout Tissue by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (LC-MS/MS APCI)
LIB4638Validation of an Analytical Method for the Detection and Quantification of Glyphosate and Related Residues in Food
LIB4639Detection of aequorin-2 protein in dietary supplements using mass spectrometry protein sequence analysis
LIB4640Sensitive and Accurate Multi-Class Veterinary Drug Analytical Method Validation for Shell Eggs Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
LIB4641Identification of a Universal Enrichment Broth for Simultaneous Enrichment of Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes
LIB4642Multiclass Screening Method Using Automated Solid-Phase Extraction Directly Coupled to a Mass Spectrometer for Drug Residues in Honey
LIB4643Color Additive Analysis in Foods and Cosmetics using UPLC with Extended Photo-Diode Array Detection
LIB4644Analysis of Avermectin Residues in Game Meats (Bison, Deer, Elk, and Rabbit) by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
LIB4645 Expanding LIB 4615 and LIB4616 to include additional chemical contaminants in the analysis of tilapia, salmon, eel and shrimp using Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-HRMS)
LIB4646Triphenylmethane Dye Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Aquaculture Products by AOAC Official Method of Analysis 2012.25
LIB4647Analysis of Peptide Antibiotics in Milk using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)
LIB4648Determination of Pentobarbital in Tallow Using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
LIB46492017 update of the matrix extension data for the VIDAS Salmonella (SLM) AOAC Official Method 2004.03 captured in the Field Accomplishment Computerized Tracking System (FACTS)
LIB4650Pesticide matrix extension validation for grasshoppers/chapulines using QuEChERS extraction with GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS detection
LIB4651Rapid Determination of Hypoglycin A in Ackee by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem mass spectrometry
LIB4652Screen for Steroids using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
LIB4653Multiclass Veterinary Drug Residue Method for Aquaculture Products Using LC-MS/MS
LIB4654Quantitative Determination of Bisphenol-A in Tuna using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
LIB4655Evaluation of the QIAcube and the MicroSEQ D2 LSU rDNA system for the identification of fungal isolates from medical products
LIB4656Report of a Single Laboratory Validation Study: Platform Extension of the Simplex Real-time PCR Method for Detection of Prohibited Materials in Animal Feed
LIB4657A Simplex Real-time PCR Method for Detection of Prohibited Materials in Animal Feed on the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast System
LIB4658Listeria monocytogenes Identification by Subtyping MALDI-TOF MS Biotyper Analysis
LIB4659LC-MS/MS Determination of Gyromitrin in Mushrooms as a Method to Identify False Morel Mushrooms
LIB4660RMulticlass, Multiresidue Method for the Quantitation and Confirmation of over 110 Vet Drugs in Game Meat (Bison, Deer, Elk, and Rabbit) by Rapid Polarity Switching Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) (CARTS Project No. IR01040)
LIB4661Review of the validation status of regulated matrices for the VIDAS™ Salmonella (SLM) AOAC Official Method 2004.03: 2018 Matrix Extension Data
LIB4662Extraction of light and heavy filth from lipstick
LIB4663Review of the VIDAS-Listeria (AOAC OMA 999.06) method-matrix extension data from FDA regulatory activities from 2016 through 2019
LIB4664aComparing the VIDAS-Salmonella (SLM) and VIDAS-Salmonella Easy (SLM Easy) Methods using Method-Matrix Extension Validation Data
LIB4665Determination of pentobarbital in ingredients of animal origin and in finished pet foods using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) CARTS: IR01702
LIB4666Optimization of a Positive Control for the Feed Extraction and Real-time PCR Method Used in the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Program
LIB4667Enhancements to LIB 4560 to include method modifications, and additional drug residues in honey using LC-MS/MS
LIB4668Appropriateness of the VIDAS Listeria Method (AOAC Official Method 999.06) for Screening Crab Meat Enrichments for the Presence of Listeria monocytogenes
LIB4669Evaluation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for the Rapid Identification of Fungi
LIB4670Quantitation of Methanol, Ethanol and Isopropanol in Gel Hand Sanitizer Product by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID)
LIB4671Confirmatory Analysis of Honey for Sildenafil and Tadalafil by LC-MS/MS
LIB4672A Single Lab Validation for Species Identification of Campylobacter jejuni utilizing the VITEK-MS system
LIB4673Updates to LIBs #4615/4616 Screening Method for Veterinary Drug Residues using LC-HRMS: Validation in Shrimp
LIB4674Identification and Quantitation of Benzene Impurity in Sunscreen Product by Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Detection (HSGC-MS)
LIB4675Identification and Quantitation of Oxybenzone, Octocrylene, Avobenzone, Octinoxate, Homosalate and Octisalate in Sunscreen Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD)
LIB4676Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of 26 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Animal Foods
LIB4678Modifications to LIB 4597 for the analysis of nitrofuran metabolites and chloramphenicol in aquaculture products using LC-MS/MS
LIB4679Detection of Fluorescent Brightening Agents Tinopal CBS-X and FB28 in food matrices using UPLC with tandem PDA/FLR detection
LIB4680Single Laboratory Validation for the Determination of Six Biogenic Amines in Canned Tuna with Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Liquid Chromatography- Tandem Mass Spectrometry
LIB4681New Method to Power High Frequency Tanning Lamps with Varied Parameters for Measuring Ultraviolet Radiation Lamp Output Power
LIB4682Modifications to LIB 4597 for the analysis of nitrofuran metabolites and chloramphenicol in aquaculture products using LC-MS/MS


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