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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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Human Foods Program Career Opportunities

Join the Human Foods Program Team

Join the Human Foods Program Team

The FDA reached a significant milestone with approval of its reorganization involving the creation of a unified Human Foods Program (HFP), adoption of a new model for its field operations, and other significant modernization efforts. The reorganization implementation went into effect October 1, 2024, notably enhancing the agency’s ability to oversee and protect the human food supply and other products the FDA regulates. The reorganization will enable the FDA to be more efficient, nimble and prepared for the ever-changing and complex industries we regulate, new food technologies, as well as the impacts of globalization, climate change and other factors that require the agency to quickly adapt.  

Be part of the FDA’s HFP mission-driven team and help protect the nation’s food supply. We have an ongoing need for qualified individuals with backgrounds in biology, microbiology, chemistry, toxicology and other health-related sciences, data science, food safety, nutrition, health policy, health communications, and regulatory counsel as well as other professional and administrative fields.

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HFP Title 21 Vacancies

The 21st Century Cures Act was enacted on December 13, 2016 and Section 3072 of the Act grants the Commissioner of Food and Drugs the authority to appoint and set the annual rate of pay for outstanding and qualified candidates to scientific, technical, or professional positions that support the development, review, and regulation of medical products. The FY23 Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act expanded this authority further amending Title 21 to include cross-cutting operational positions and individuals that support the development review and regulation of food and cosmetics in addition medical products. (codified into Title 21 of the United States Code (21 US Code 379d-3a).

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Employment Opportunities Listed on USAJobs

Additional Employment Opportunities (not on USAJobs)

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At the HFP, our employees are our most valued resource. We offer professional development programs that may offer rotational opportunities where employees can explore HFP roles and build valuable work experiences in these roles to support career progression. 

We have a hybrid workplace model which incorporates a range of telework, remote, and on-site work options to meet our public health mission. In addition to providing a full complement of family-friendly Federal benefits, the HFP maintains a variety of programs and services that help balance the demands of your personal and professional life.   

How to Apply for Federal Jobs

Resume Writing 

  • Pathways Program and federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree 
  • U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps and how officers advance our nation’s public health, serving in agencies across the government, as physicians, nurses, dentists, veterinarians, scientists, engineers, and other professionals
  • Student Volunteer for undergraduate or graduate students (including masters, law, and other doctoral programs) interested in advancing your career with an internship at the FDA - those with diverse educational interests, such as law, chemistry, engineering, biostatistics, public health, public policy, can apply

Follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) to learn about openings. 

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