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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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  1. Human Foods Program

Office of Strategic Programs

Office of Strategic Programs

Ensuring that food is a vehicle for wellness is the vision of the FDA’s Human Foods Program (HFP). It is our mission to protect and promote the health and wellness of people through science-based approaches to prevent foodborne illness, reduce diet-related chronic disease and ensure chemicals in food are safe.

The Office of Strategic Programs (OSP) supports this mission by evaluating the best alignment of HFP activities toward public health and organization goals within the Administration’s priorities, Congressional direction and existing statutory authority.

Office of Strategic Programs - Org Chart

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What We Do

  • Advise and assist key Human Foods Program (HFP) officials concerning the strategic planning, performance, and evaluation of the HFP and related Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) inspections and investigations program foods activities.
  • Integrate inputs from risk managers, the HFP Surveillance Strategy and Risk Prioritization, Resource Management, Executive Programs, and enabling functions, including FDA’s inspections and investigations program foods activities, to determine best alignment of HFP activities towards public health and organizational goals within Administration priorities, Congressional direction, and existing statutory authority.
  • Establish annual and multi-year strategic priorities and plans derived from risk-informed decision-making frameworks for the HFP, including FDA’s inspections and investigations program foods activities. Lead and coordinate the development of priorities and goals that the HFP, including FDA’s inspections and investigations program foods activities, will achieve on annual and multi-year timeframes via a formal strategic planning process.
  • Develop outcome-based performance measures and indicators for the HFP, in coordination with risk managers and HFP Surveillance Strategy and Risk Prioritization and in alignment with strategic priorities and plans. Monitor, analyze, and report progress, accomplishments, and challenges and provide solutions.
  • Perform analyses of significantly broad HFP issues identified in the planning process or based on performance against metrics to improve overall program performance and increase effectiveness of HFP allocation of resources, including FDA’s inspections and investigations program foods functions.
  • Identify adjustments to strategic plans and their execution, in coordination with HFP’s Executive Programs, based on key performance indicators and results of quality assessments and program evaluations.
  • Coordinate with the Office of Commissioner, FDA’s Planning, Evaluation, and Risk Management programs, and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on long-range planning processes.

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