Advance Cooperation and Regulatory Standards Among Animal Food Safety Regulatory Programs
What is the Cooperative Agreement to Advance Cooperation and Regulatory Standards Among Animal Food Safety Regulatory Programs?
The Cooperative Agreement to Advance Cooperation and Regulatory Standards Among Animal Food Safety Regulatory Programs was developed to facilitate long-term improvements to the national animal food safety system and achieve integration of this system by strengthening interagency collaboration, improving states’ regulatory and surveillance protection programs, and promoting the Animal Food Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS).
What are its goals?
The primary objectives of this cooperative agreement are:
• Support the efforts of federal and state government agencies to build a national integrated animal food safety system;
• Establish systems for sharing, promotion, and collaboration of best practices, guidance documents, sampling plans, procedures, memorandums of understanding, and other tools to facilitate and encourage mutual reliance between federal and state animal food regulatory programs and public health agencies;
• Identifying, developing, delivering, promoting, and/or assisting with attendance of animal food safety training programs to support implementation of the AFRPS, as well as training and stakeholder support for provisions of FSMA; and
• Support the advancement of the AFRPS and future revisions of the AFRPS as part of a system of continuous improvement to ensure the standards are modernized and support the needs of animal food regulatory programs.
Who is the current awardee?
• The current awardee of this cooperative agreement is the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA).
• $600,000 in funding was awarded under this cooperative agreement in FY2023.
Who can I contact for more information?
Specific questions on this program can be directed to the appropriate Office of Partnerships contact within the Division of Partnership Investments and Agreements. Please visit the Office of Partnerships Contact Webpage to obtain a downloaded version of the staffing roster.
You can also find more helpful information by viewing the funding opportunity announcement.