BAM Chapter 29: Cronobacter
Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) Main Page
Yi Chen, Nancy E. Miranda, Kun C. Liu, Jeremi S. Mullins, Keith Lampel, and Thomas Hammack
Current Edition
Previous Editions
- BAM Chapter 29: Cronobacter (April 2012 Edition)External Link Disclaimer
- BAM Chapter 29: Cronobacter (March 2012 Edition)External Link Disclaimer
Revision History
- November 2023:
1) Removed the use of SmartCycler for qPCR.
2) Removed the requirement to perform qPCR without IAC and to perform qPCR on two aliquots per sample.
3) Updated the 7500 software version.
4) Added ROX to the qPCR assay and revised the 7500 FAST analysis settings on threshold and baseline.
5) Revised the stock concentrations and volumes of each qPCR component without changing their final concentrations.
6) Added extra wash buffer to the pellet to improve the quality of the resultant DNA extract.
7) Added temperature and time tolerance ranges for incubation of enrichment and agars.
8) Added optional use of CCI agar and ESIA agar incubated at their respective temperatures as well as R&F agar incubated at 41.5°C.
9) Added more figures and detailed phenotype description of the colony morphologies on different agars.
10) Removed the option to use RAPID ID 32E for cultural confirmation.
11) Revised the chapter with updated nomenclature of Cronobacter and non-Cronobacter species.
12) Updated other part of the chapter to improve clarity and to provide detailed instructions with additional texts and figures. - April 2012: Sections D.1.a, D.1.b, D.2.3; Correction: The fluorescence is recorded at the end of each annealing step, not at the end of each extension step.
- March 2012: New Chapter (This chapter has replaced the method for Isolation and Enumeration of Enterobacter sakazakii from Dehydrated Powdered Infant FormulaExternal Link Disclaimer.