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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

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Macroanalytical Procedures Manual (MPM)

Editors' Preface

The Macroanalytical Procedures Manual (MPM) is currently being revised to update its content and add new material. In the interim, we have converted the original 1984 edition of the manual for display on the FDA website. This website version was produced as a cooperative effort between the editors and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). Our purpose is to provide access to the out-of-print 1984 manual until the revised edition is available.

As editors, we have tried to faithfully restore the website manuscript its original 1984 content and format. None of the methods have been changed. Where appropriate, we have inserted clearly marked editorial comments that alert users to potential changes or other useful information. In addition, we have updated (as far as possible) references to methods published by AOAC International in their compendium "Official Methods of Analysis" and to FDA Compliance Policy Guidelines.

We deeply appreciate and herein acknowledge the guidance of John C. Gecan (CFSAN) throughout the project.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction (Updated September 2023)
II. Apparatus for Macroanalytical Methods (Updated September 2023)
III. Reagents for Macroanalytical Methods (Update May 2021) 
IV. Special Techniques
V. Macroanalytical Methods
1. Beverage and Beverage Materials
A. Method for Coffee Beans
2. Bakery Products, Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes
A. Method for Bakery Products, Cooked Cereals, and Alimentary Pastes
B. Method for Modified Whole Grains
3. Whole Grains and Pseudo-Grains (Update May 2021)
A. Method for Wheat, Corn, Popcorn Kernels, and Rice
B. Method for Other Grains
C. Method for Pseudo-Grains
4. Chocolate, Sugars, and Related Products
A. Method for Cocoa Beans
B. Method for Candy
5. Miscellaneous Food Products, Especially Plant Gums  (Update February 2024)
A. Method for Plant Gums
6. Dairy, Cheese, and Related Products (Update July 2023)
A. Method for Casein and Sodium Caseinate
7. Seafood
A. Method for Microscopic Detection of Fish Tissue in Crab Meat or Crab Cakes
B. Method for Determination of Parasites in Fin Fish
8. Spices, Condiments, Flavors, and Crude Drugs 
A. General Method for Spices, Herbs, and Botanicals
B. Supplemental Method for Black and White Pepper
C. Supplemental Method for Nutmegs
D. Supplemental Method for Saffron, Crocus sativus L. (Added April 2024)
E. Supplemental Method for Whole Chili Pepper Pods, Capsicum spp. L. (Added November 2024)
F. Supplemental Method for Whole Bay Leaves (Added February 2025)
9. Fruits and Fruit Products
A. Method for Apple Products
B. Method for Decomposition in Blackberries, Raspberries and Other Drupelet Berries
C. Method for Decomposition in Blueberries
D. Method for Cherries
E. Method for Canned and Frozen Fruits
F. Method for Dried Fruits
G. Method for Grape Products
H. Method for Jams, Preserves, and Jellies
I. Method for Lingonberries
J. Method for Mincemeat
L. Method for Olives
L. Method for Pineapple Products
M. Method for Raisins
N. Method for Processed Strawberries
10. Nuts and Nut Products
A. Method for In-shell and Shelled Tree Nuts
B. Method for Peanuts and Peanut Siftings
C. Method for Microscopic Detection of Foreign Plant Tissues in Peanut Butter
11. Vegetables and Vegetable Products
A. Method for Asparagus
B. Method for Brussels Sprouts
C. Method for Microscopic Detection of Substitute Vegetable Tissues in Ground Horseradish
D. Method for Lettuce
E. Method for Mushroom Products
F. Method for the Reservation and Identification of Mushrooms
G. Method for Peas and Beans (Canned, Frozen, and Dried)
H. Method for Pickled Vegetables and Relish
I. Method for Pimientos
J. Method for Potato Chips
K. Method for Corn Husks
L. Method for Garlic Bulbs
12. Cosmetic Products (Updated March 2023)
A. Method for Cosmetic Brushes
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