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  1. Unique Device Identification System (UDI System)

UDI Exceptions and Alternatives

October 19, 2022 Update: UPC Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A16002 will expire on September 24, 2023. UDI Stakeholders: to help you understand what the expiration of these alternatives means for you, please read UPC Alternative UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002 Questions and Answers.

The UDI rule provides a method for labelers to request exceptions and alternatives to UDI requirements.

On this page:

Exceptions and Alternatives Granted by the FDA

Under to 21 CFR 801.55(c), any labeler may make use of an exception or alternative granted under § 801.55, provided that such use satisfies all safeguards or conditions that are part of the FDA exception or alternative decision.

Labelers should refer to the information in the table below, especially in the "FDA Decision" column, to determine if an exception or alternative listed may apply to their situation. Labelers may document the applicability and use of an exception/alternative in the device master record (DMR) as part of the labeling specifications required under 21 CFR 820.181(d) for each respective device, along with a copy of the applicable exception or alternative decision. 

FDA UDI Exception or Alternative NumberSummaryFDA DecisionExpiration Date of Exception or AlternativeDate of Posting
UDI-A160001*UPC - multiple product codesDecision2023-09-242021-07-29
UDI-A160002*UPC - contact lens careDecision2023-09-242021-07-29
UDI-A170001Sterile inventory;
3-year exception;
21 CFR 801.30(a)(1)
Decision2024-09-24: Class III;
2025-09-24: I/LS/LS;
2026-09-24: Class II
UDI-E140001Soft (hydrophilic) contact lensesDecisionOne year after FDA:
1) develops and fully integrates the Technical Solution into the GUDID production system,
2) provides any necessary updated technical specifications to affected labelers, and
3) notifies industry that the extension will expire, through emails to industry, communication via trade associations, and via the UDI website.

* For more information, read UPC Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002 Questions and Answers.

Version 1.8: June 22, 2022

FDA Product CodeFDA Product Code NameRegulation (21 CFR)
EBOOver the Counter Denture Repair Kit872.3570
EBPReliner, Denture, Over the Counter872.3560
EMACement, Dental872.3275
FLKThermometer, Clinical Mercury880.2920
FLLThermometer, Electronic, Clinical880.2910
FMFSyringe, Piston880.5860
FMINeedle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen880.5570
FRODressing, Wound, DrugN/A
GZJStimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, for Pain Relief882.5890 
HEBTampon, Menstrual, Unscented884.5470
HHECup, Menstrual884.5400
HHWPessary, Vaginal884.3575
HILTampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized884.5460
ILYLamp, Infrared, Therapeutic Heating890.5500
KKORing, Teething, Fluid-Filled872.5550
LBHVarnish, Cavity872.3260
LCXKit, Test, Pregnancy, hCG, Over the Counter862.1155
LDJEnzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids862.3870
LFDSaliva, ArtificialN/A
LKYDevice, External Penile Rigidity876.5020
LPNAccessories, Soft Lens Products886.5928
LRRFirst Aid Kit with DrugN/A
LRXCase, Contact Lens886.5928
LTZCondom with Nonoxynol-9884.5310
LYLAccessories, Solution, Ultrasonic Cleansers for Lenses886.5928
MNWAnalyzer, Body Composition870.2770
Added 06/23/2022
Barrier, STD, Oral Sex884.5300
MOLCondom, Synthetic884.5300
MRCProducts, Contact Lens Care, Rigid Gas Permeable886.5918
NUCLubricant, Personal884.5300
NUHSimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-the-Counter882.5890
OBRMouthguard, Over-the-CounterN/A
OHTLight Based Over-the-Counter Hair Removal878.4810
PEBLubricant, Personal, Gamete, Fertilization, and Embryo Compatible884.5300
POVSemen Analysis Device864.5220
Added 06/22/2022
External Condom for Anal Intercourse or Vaginal Intercourse884.5305

FDA Product Codes for UDI Alternative UDI-A160001 - Document History

1.0August 19, 2016Original
1.1September 6, 2016Added the following FDA Product Codes: FLK, FLL, LPN, LRX, LYL, and MRC
1.2October 5, 2016Added the following FDA Product Code: MNW
1.3November 30, 2016Added the following FDA Product Code: ILY
1.4January 11, 2017Added the following FDA Product Code: POV
1.5January 4, 2018Added the following FDA Product Code: LFD
1.6June 28, 2018Added the following FDA Product Code: HHE
1.7November 5, 2021Added the following FDA Product Codes: GZJ and OBR
1.8June 22, 2022Added the following FDA Product Codes: MSC and QRZ

Version 1.0: October 5, 2016

FDA Product CodeFDA Product Code NameRegulation (21 CFR)
LPNAccessories, Soft Lens Products886.5928
MRCProducts, Contact Lens Care, Rigid Gas Permeable886.5918

FDA Product Codes for UDI Alternative UDI-A160002 - Document History

1.0October 5, 2016Original

FDA Product CodeFDA Product Code NameRegulation (21 CFR)
LPMSoft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (extended wear) - Class III Device886.5925(b)(2)
NCZSoft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (for color vision deficiency) - Class II Device886.5925(b)(1)
NICSoft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (for reading discomfort) - Class II Device886.5925(b)(1)
LPLSoft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (daily wear) - Class II Device886.5925(b)(1)
MVNSoft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens (disposable) - Class II Device886.5925(b)(1)

Exceptions and Alternatives - General Information and How to Request

21 CFR 801.30 provides general exceptions from UDI labeling requirements to certain categories of devices. A device within one or more of these exceptions is not required to bear a UDI. A labeler of a device identified in § 801.30 is not required to request an exception from the FDA.

A labeler may submit a request for an exception from or alternative to the requirement for the label of a device to bear a unique device identifier (§ 801.20) or other UDI requirement under 21 CFR 801 Subpart B (Labeling Requirements for Unique Device Identification) for a specified device or a specified type of device.

In response to labeler requests or on our own initiative, the FDA may grant an exception or alternative if an exception is appropriate because the requirements of 21 CFR 801 Subpart B are not technologically feasible, or that an alternative would provide for more accurate, precise, or rapid device identification than the requirements of 21 CFR 801 Subpart B or would better ensure the safety or effectiveness of the device that would be subject to the alternative. If the FDA grants an exception or alternative, we may include safeguards or conditions deemed appropriate to ensure the adequate identification of the device through its distribution and use. The FDA is making its decisions on labeler requests for exceptions and alternatives available at "FDA Decisions."

In order to establish a system to adequately identify medical devices through distribution and use, the FDA expects that the labels of almost all devices are capable of bearing and should in fact bear a UDI on the label, unless excepted under 21 CFR 801.30.

Under 21 CFR 801.55(c), the FDA will consider granting requests for an exception from a UDI requirement if the requirement is not technologically feasible. We expect that such situations will be rare. The FDA does not consider exception requests that are based on reasons other than technological infeasibility (including, but not limited to, financial burden or claims of few or no adverse events).

Labelers may consider the following to address issues of inadequate label space, or unique packaging that may create challenges to having the device label bear its UDI in both easily readable plain-text and AIDC forms:

  1. Remove or minimize information on the label that is not required under 21 CFR Part 801 (or 21 CFR 809.10, if your device is an in vitro diagnostic product), or otherwise required by regulation or order. See 21 CFR 801.15 for more information on prominence of required label statements.
  2. Increase the size of the label or modify the label e.g., move label to a flatter location on the immediate container) to accommodate the UDI.
  3. Use a smaller form of AIDC technology or split the AIDC form into multiple segments. The easily readable plain-text UDI may also be split into multiple segments.

If the approaches described above cannot be used to address a labeler's concerns, the labeler may consider submitting a request for an alternative under 21 CFR 801.55 to add an overwrap that would bear the UDI or place another label bearing the UDI elsewhere on the packaging.

  • Submit a UDI exception/alternative inquiry using the link below. In response, the FDA UDI Help Desk will email instructions for requesting an exception from or alternative to a UDI requirement. If you do not receive an immediate reply in your inbox, please check the spam/junk folder. If the email was diverted to your spam/junk folder, please adjust your filter to recognize the UDI Help Desk as a contact.
  • Review the instructions and include the necessary information in your request.
  • Submit the request as indicated in the instructions. An FDA UDI Help Desk Analyst will respond to your request.


According to 21 CFR 801.55(a), when submitting your request for an exception or alternative you must:

  • Identify the device or devices that would be subject to the exception or alternative;
  • Identify the provisions of 21 CFR 801 Subpart B that are the subject of the request for an exception or alternative;
  • If requesting an exception, explain why the requirements of 21 CFR 801 Subpart B are not technologically feasible;
  • If requesting an alternative, describe the alternative and explain why it would provide for more accurate, precise, or rapid device identification than the requirements of 21 CFR 801 Subpart B or how the alternative would better ensure the safety or effectiveness of the device that would be subject to the alternative;
  • If known, provide the number of labelers and the number of devices that would be affected if the requested exception or alternative were granted; and
  • Provide other requested information needed to clarify the scope and effects of the requested exception or alternative.

General Questions and Answers on Time-Limited Alternatives

Since the publication of the UDI Rule in 2013, the FDA has granted time-limited alternative requests while labelers established or finalized internal processes and procedures needed to comply with UDI requirements. Below, we provide information about what it means for devices when the FDA does not extend a time-limited alternative.

Q1: What does it mean when a time-limited alternative expires?
A: Once a time-limited alternative expires, devices previously using the alternative must comply with applicable requirements of the UDI Rule, including adding the UDI to the device label and updating data in the Global Unique Device Identification Database. The FDA recommends consulting available guidance documents, in addition to the UDI Rule, to help understand applicable requirements.

The FDA does not object to the continued use of the alternative for finished devices that are manufactured and labeled prior to September 24, 2023. Devices that are manufactured and/or labeled on or after September 24, 2023, cannot use this alternative. 

Q2: If an alternative has not expired, can I still submit a request to use the alternative for products not currently under the specified alternative?
A: You may continue to submit requests for new products to be added to an alternative that has been granted before the alternative expires. Such devices may use the alternative until it expires.

For more information, please read Universal Product Codes (UPC) Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002: Frequently Asked Questions.

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