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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. Medical Devices
  3. Device Advice: Comprehensive Regulatory Assistance
  4. Unique Device Identification System (UDI System)
  5. UPC Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002: Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Unique Device Identification System (UDI System)

UPC Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002: Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers Regarding September 24, 2023, Expiration of Alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002

A: The FDA does not object to the continued use of the alternative for finished devices that are manufactured and labeled prior to September 24, 2023. Devices that are manufactured and/or labeled on or after September 24, 2023, cannot use this alternative. Once the alternative expires on September 24, 2023, devices previously using the alternative must comply with applicable requirements of the UDI Rule. Devices that do not currently have a unique device identifier (UDI) on their label and packages will need to add the UDI and update their data in the Global Unique Device Identification Database.

A: Yes. Under 21 CFR 801.35(b), a device may bear both a universal product code (UPC) and a UDI on its label and packages.

A: Under the UDI Rule, labelers may submit a request for alternative at any time. However, the FDA does not intend to grant additional extensions to alternatives UDI-A160001 and UDI-A160002 beyond September 24, 2023.

A: You may continue to submit requests for new devices to be added to these alternatives. These alternatives will expire on September 24, 2023, regardless of when a device has been added to the alternative.

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