Reagents Index for BAM
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No. | Reagent Name |
R1 | Ammonium Acetate, 4 M |
R2 | Ammonium Acetate, 0.25 M |
R3 | Basic Fuchsin Staining Solution |
R4 | Bicarbonate Buffer ( 0.1 M, pH 9.6) |
R5 | Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) (1 mg/ml) |
R6 | Bovine Serum Albumin (1%) in Cholera Toxin ELISA Buffer |
R7 | Bovine Serum Albumin (1% ) in PBS |
R8 | Brilliant Green Dye Solution. 1% |
R9 | Bromcresol Purple Dye Solution. 0.2% |
R10 | Bromthymol Blue Indicator. 0.04% |
R11 | Butterfield's Phosphate-Buffered Dilution Water |
R12 | Catalase Test |
R12a | Chlorine Solution, 200 ppm, Containing 0.1% Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate |
R13 | Citric Acid (pH 4.0, 0.05 M) |
R14 | Clark's Flagellar Stain |
R15 | Coating Solution for V. vulnificus EIA |
R16 | Crystal Violet Stain (for Bacteria) |
R17 | Denhardt's Solution (50×) |
R18 | Disinfectants (for preparation of canned foods for microbiological analysis) |
R19 | Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS) |
R20 | EDTA, 0.5 M |
R21 | EIA (V. vulnificus) Wash Solution |
R22 | ELISA Buffer (for Cholera Toxin Test) |
R32a | Endospore Stain (Schaeffer-Fulton) |
R23 | Ethanol Solution, 70% |
R24 | Evans Blue Dye Solution (commercially available) |
R25 | Ferric Chloride, 10% |
R26 | Removed from Bacteriological Analytical Manual. 1988. |
R27 | Physiological Saline Solution |
R28 | Gel Diffusion Agar, 1.2% |
R29 | Gel-Phosphate Buffer |
R30 | Giemsa Stain |
R31 | Glycerin-Salt Solution (Buffered) |
R98 | Glycine/NaCl Buffer, pH 7.6 |
R32 | Gram Stain (commercial staining solutions are satisfactory) |
R33 | Hippurate Solution, 1% |
R34 | Horseradish Peroxidase (color development solution) |
R35 | Hybridization Mixture (6× SSC, 5× Denhardt's, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) |
R36 | Hydrochloric Acid, 1 N |
R37 | Kinase Buffer (10×) |
R38 | Kovacs' Reagent |
R39 | Lithium Hydroxide, 0.1 N |
R40 | Lugol's Iodine Solution |
R94 | Lysis solution (0.5 M NaOH, 1.5M NaCl) |
R41 | May-Grunwald Stain |
R42 | McFarland Nephelometer |
R43 | Removed from Bacteriological Analytical Manual. 1988. |
R44 | Methyl Red Indicator |
R45 | Methylene Blue Stain (Loeffler's) |
R46 | Mineral Oil |
R95 | Neutralizing solution (Maas II) |
R47 | Ninhydrin Reagent (commercially available) |
R48 | Nitrite Detection Reagents |
R49 | North Aniline (Oil)-Methylene Blue Stain |
R50 | Novobiocin Solution (100 mg/ml) |
R51 | O/129 Disks (2,4-Diamino-6,7-diisopropyl pteridine) |
R52 | O157 Monoclonal Antibody Solution |
R53 | ONPG Test |
R54 | Oxidase Reagent |
R55 | Penicillinase (β-Lactamase) |
R56 | Peptone Diluent, 0.1% |
R97 | Peptone Diluent, 0.5% |
R90 | Peptone-Tween-salt diluent (PTS) |
R57 | Peroxidase Substrate for Membrane ELISA |
R58 | Peroxidase Substrate Solution (ABTS) (2,2'-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) |
R61 | Phosphate Saline Buffer (0.02 M, pH 7.3-7.4) |
R62 | Phosphate Saline Solution (for Y-l LT Assay) |
R60 | Phosphate-Buffered Saline (0.01 M , pH 7.5) |
R59 | Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS), pH 7.4 |
R63 | Physiological Saline Solution 0.85% (Sterile) |
R64 | Polymyxin B Disks, 50 Units |
R65 | Potassium Hydroxide Solution. 40% |
R66 | Saline Solution. 0.5% (Sterile) |
R67 | Salts-Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution (Salts-PBS) |
R96 | 10% Sarkosyl Solution |
R68 | Scintillation Fluid |
R69 | Slide Preserving Solution |
R70 | Sodium Bicarbonate Solution. 10% |
R71 | Sodium Chloride Dilution Water, 2% and 3% |
R72 | Sodium Chloride, 0.2 M Solution |
R91 | Sodium desoxycholate-0.5% in sterile dH2O (String test) |
R93 | (SSC/SDS) Sodium dodecyl sulfate |
R92 | (SDS) Sodium dodecyl sulfate-10% in sterile dH2O |
R73 | Sodium Hydroxide Solution (1 N) |
R74 | Sodium Hydroxide Solution (10 N) |
R75 | Sonicated Calf-Thymus or Salmon-Sperm DNA |
R76 | Spicer-Edwards EN Complex Antibody Solution |
R77 | Standard Saline Citrate (SSC) Solution (20%) |
R78 | Tergitol Anionic 7 |
R79 | Thiazine Red R Stain (for S. aureus enterotoxin gel diffusion technique) |
R80 | Tris ( 1.0 M, pH 8.0) |
R84 | Tris-Buffered Saline (TABS), 1% or 3% Gelatin, or Tween 20 |
R81 | Tris-Buffered Saline (TBS) (PH 7.5) |
R82 | Tris-Buffered Saline (TBS), with Gelatin |
R83 | Tris-Buffered Saline (TBS)-Tween |
R99 | Tris EDTA Primer TE, pH 8.0 |
R85 | Tris-EDTA-Triton X-100™(TET) Buffer |
R86 | Triton X-100 |
R87 | Trypsin-EDTA Solution, lX |
R88 | Verocytotoxin Antiserum |
R89 | Voges-Proskauer (VP) Test Reagents |